My new discovery: Lauren Brooke cosmetiques

On the global market there is a huge amount of many brands, especially with minerals, from small to big ones. And to choose something good, regarding ingredients and the whole product, is not simple at all. In “My new discovery” category I am very glad to announce a new brand of mineral make-up that I discovered recently: Lauren Brooke cosmetiques. There were many things that encouraged me to try their cosmetic. Firstly, a very good list with high quality ingredients. They are also a proud signer of The compact for safe cosmetics and last but not least, their service and kindness is astonishing! To be honest, I don’t remember exactly how I came across this nice brand from the United States, precisely from Utah. I know that we got in contact through email and the rest is history. However, is not history in terms of make-up 🙂 Our collaboration and make-up adventure just began, so let me introduce you the brand Lauren Brooke cosmetiques and their mineral make-up.

About Lauren Brooke mineral make-up range

What fascinated me most, are their mineral cream products. Not many brands – with safe ingredients! – have in their collection even cream foundations and concealers, cream eyeshadows, lip paints,…and yes, even amazing eye and lip pencils! Needless to say, that I was extremely curious to try their products. After having shown my interest for their products, the staff sent me an amazing set of colors and make-up, all to discover! I will start with my review with their face products that charmed me the most.

Face products

Professionally and personally I tend to give priority to cream foundations and concealers, rather than powder mineral foundations. I admit that after having tried both of them, I’m sometimes in doubt which one I prefer. They both give very good results.

The range of mineral powder foundations includes 18 shades; 6 cool, 6 warm and 6 neutral. The choice is really good. They come in a plastic jar with sifter in travel size (6g) and normal size (13g). Among their beneficial ingredients you will find: Jojoba oil infused with flower essences of cherry plum, comfrey derived allantoin (a cell proliferant that speeds up the natural replacement of body cells), MSM, certified organic extracts of neem, olive and raspberry. The result after the application is a light silky coverage with a natural, non-chalky effect. I really don’t like the heavy “mask-like” application of mineral powders.

The next product is the finishing powder that comes in a 6g jar. This product is very good for absorbing extra oils or for setting the mineral foundation. You can wear it alone or on top of the cream/powder foundation. It is made from: organic arrowroot powder and natural clay and it is available in one translucent shade.

Creme foundation and creme concealer are my absolute favorites! The creme concealer includes 6 shades and it comes in a 8,5g (0.3 ounce) jar. Since it provides a very good coverage, you can use a small amount and the quantity is really appropriate and handy. The shades are created very well, because they tend to have a yellow undertone, which is very good to cover dark circles under the eyes or redness on the skin.

Lauren Brooke organic cream and powder products in full and sample sizes

Creme foundation is really a great product. Not every brand manage to create good creamy products. Among Zinc oxide that provide a UVA/UVB sunscreen there is a huge range of beneficial ingredients in it: certified organic oils from jojoba, rosehip seed and neem, natural vitamin E, certified organic extracts from green tea, passionflower and raspberry, just to name a few. The collection has a good choice of colors: 5 neutral shades and 7 warm. This foundation provides a medium coverage, but at the same time it gives a smooth and flawless appearance. The smell of all creamy products is neutral and pleasant. If you want, you can mix together the products to obtain a custom-made shade for special needs.  If mixed together, they work very well. If you have oily skin, you can wear finishing powder over this foundation. In case of dry skin (like mine) I wear it alone and it does not travel on the face. 

Eyes & lips make-up products

I was very surprised with all coloured products, because the brand has a wide range of colors and products, especially for the eyes. I tested their new formula of vegan pencils for lips and eyes and I am very satisfied with them. Because of 100% organic oils and butters (jojoba & castor oil, shea and avocado butter,…), they have an excellent staying power, they glide softly on the eyelids and the colors are very interesting. Choosing from 5 shades (!), my favorite are brown and black/brown shades. The brown shade has a soft bronzy shimmer in it! I have the same opinion for the lip pencils, too. (Note for vegans: Wild Cherry contains Carmine & is not vegan.)

Lauren Brooke cream and powder products for eyes (full size)

The range of powder eyeshadows is really a rainbow of colors and effects! From shimmer, matte to metallic effects, the choice is really wide! For those who love to add a lot of opalescent sparkle on the eyes, there is a collection of eyeshadows called Mystics. It includes light shades such as ice white, light gold or amethyst with a frozen glitter effect. There are also collections of Shimmers and Sparkles with gorgeous rosy, beige and gold shades. The widest is the Matte collection that has browns, plums, grays and greens. There is also a nice special offer with the Trio sets: coordinated eyeshadows to create a classic smoky eye or natural look with perfect color combinations.

Again, another cream product that I suggest as a must-have is the Creme eyeshadow! All my compliments! I use it now all the time for myself and I’m in love with the Dahlia shade. There is a collection of 11 shades of this eyeshadow in handy stick version. I can describe the shades like multifunctional colors that add radiance to your eyes, without too much shimmer. The texture is soft and nourishing because of oils like grapeseed and jojoba oil, shea and avocado butter, certified organic rosehip oil and vanilla extract which are really top ingredients! You can wear the cream eyeshadows alone or you can wear them in combination with the powder eyeshadow and/or eye pencil. If you find it to “travel into the crease” of the eye, simply set it with finishing powder or complement it with a powder eyeshadow. Definitely all to try!

When I tested the lip products (picture on the top), I almost wanted to eat them 🙂 They smell so nice! Fruits in a gloss! The botanical lip gloss really surprised me. I’ve tried just shimmery shades. However, I like that they are not too sticky, they have just the right amount of hydrating and moisturizing effect. The application is very easy and precise, because of the tube with brush applicator. Among 12 shades all to choose, you will find extremely pigmented glosses with the shade you need: from clear, light beiges, corals, to a deep glamour berry red!

some shades of different products

For those who wants just a touch of color, I suggest to try the Lip color. A fruity scented tints that will give you the right amount of color while nourishing your lips with organic oils and butters.

My new discovery is revealed, but as I mentioned above, you will hear more from me in the future about Lauren Brooke brand, because their line include also body and face care products…Until then enjoy your shopping in their webshop! If you need any additional help regarding the use of products, I will be glad to help you.

9 Responses to “My new discovery: Lauren Brooke cosmetiques”
  1. dapperdolly says:

    Awesome, going to check out their website – hope they ship internationally! Great post – most mineral products don’t have many healthy ingredients but these sound much better.

  2. This is awesome, can I copy this to my blog?

  3. Thanks you did such a wonderful job on this blog! Love IT! Here is mine:


    • green makeup says:

      Thank you very much Stephanie for your nice words and for sharing my post! I really like your blog, too! I think we need a lot of green awarenes in these days!
      Best, Dasha

  4. a says:

    Question: I like the creme foundation, but I find that it settles in to the creases around my mouth (between my mouth and nose). Do you have any suggestions for helping it to stay put?

    • green makeup says:

      This can be because of oils, but in many cases it happens even with conventional foundations. The key is to blend the product very well, especially in that zones with creases and apply a smaller amount than on other areas (with tapping it lightly into the skin). Finally, set it with a LIGHT dust of their finishing powder which is great!
      Best, Dasha

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    I write my opinion about products that I like, use and that are free of toxic chemicals. I am not paid for my reviews. I purchase the products for personal use and write about what is good from my point of view. New contacts and collaborations are appreciated, but I cannot guarantee a good review if it doesn't fulfill my conditions: safe ingredients and quality.


    All material (texts and pictures) on this blog are copyrighted by Green make-up, unless noted and can't be used without permission. Pictures from other sources are used only for commentary purposes. If you are the owner of any image and you would not want it to be displayed please let me know. I will remove it asap. I try my best to provide the credits for all images.